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Prayers and Affirmations for Ascension

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All prayers are followed by "Thank you God."


For Humanity:

Dear Creator, Source, God, Infinite Intelligence and Love that dwells within and without, please guide my thoughts, feelings, decisions and actions today for highest and best good of helping others and myself know and experience your Divine Love and Truth. Let all peoples across planet Earth prosper today. May no evil befall this nation; neither violence nor adversity that is not in alignment with divine will. On this day, may all forces of benevolence across the entire galaxy, solar system and planet prevail in being a source of Love, light and hope to all of God’s children. Let no man, woman or child go hungry today, rather let all abundant resources flow from lesser to higher need. On this day and night may God’s Love and Truth be felt by all of its creations. And it is so. Amen.


Mental and Emotional Awareness and Protection:

God grant that I am safe in my mind today, as I know I am not the creator of all of the thoughts that I hear and that they are not all in alignment with my truth.


Please God correct our thinking so we can begin to create from a place of Love and not destroy from a place of fear. We are hurting right now because our thoughts are not telling us the truth of Your Love. Please God protect us from all thoughts that cause harm to ourselves and others and help us to remember, know and feel your Love.

I am feeling a sudden negative shift in my emotions, and I ask for           angels of light to be with me at this time to protect me.


   God is with me in every breath I take, every thought I think and every  feeling I feel.

          I do not allow any transmissions into my mind that are not in      alignment with my unique part of God.


I do not give up my power to anyone or anything, including any thought or any feeling.


          I have the power of God within me, I do not need to be afraid of my thoughts or feelings any longer.

God within me, please re-direct my thought energy away from ________ and towards something more important.

I allow only positive loving thoughts towards myself and others.

I am the master of my mind.



 Daily Strength:


God of the Most High, please help me to receive the Love that I need to feel supported today- mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, and help me through my  everyday tasks.


  God of the Most High please help me to find solutions to my pain and        suffering today.

          God please carry me through every step I take, every thought I think    and every feeling I feel.


I call on God's Angels to protect me and comfort me.


  I call my divine feminine energy in  from On High to fill me, surround me, comfort me and strengthen me.

    I allow my higher self to determine and fulfill my needs on a daily   basis.


 I am calm and confident.


          I will not get upset about lies; I can only be the truth.





I raise my relationship with ______ up to God for healing in whatever manner is possible at this time.

I raise you up to the Most High God for healing of your thoughts and actions that are not in alignment with Love.

 Overcoming Depression, Loneliness and Rejection:

There is only Love for me.

There is only Love in my mind.

There is only Love for me on this Earth.

I am happy because I am a beautiful being.

 I am happy because I have a beautiful life in the works.

 I am happy because I have a beautiful purpose.

I call my divine joy, bliss and lightheartedness in from On High.


I align with my highest vibration of self and soul.

I am fully One with God On High. 


I choose victory over every battle I face today.


I stand completely in my power.


I am one with God, I  choose peace. 

I am connected to all things through my One Creator; I am connected to all love and all light. 

I have the power to break apart the clouds; I watch as they disintegrate into nothing. 

I know that my joy is ever with me, and I have access to it's infinite presence in my heart. 





Copyright 2024 Shira Notes

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