My interest in music started in my childhood when I began playing violin in the fourth grade. I then started piano lessons in the sixth grade and continued to learn guitar and drums. At home I was always intrigued with an old acoustic guitar that I would pick up and tinker with, and a very simple yet fun organ that stood in the foyer. Aside from silly rap songs and an attempted pop song which were written with my friends in Elementary School and later Junior High, my true songwriting talent began right at the end of High School. I wrote and recorded a demo album in college, and a second demo album in my early 20's. My first professionally produced single, "Blue" was released in 2017 and my second single, "Something Beautiful," in 2020. "Make It Out Alive," a brand new rock song is now out! You can use the donate button on my Music Page to help me raise money to promote this song, make music videos, and record more music!
Aside from writing music, I was always a strong writer on my essays in elementary school where my teachers would repeatedly commend my work and refer to me as “conscientious.” As a child, I used to submit my poetry to a national contest where my poems were published, though I never got around to buying the books. Enjoy some of my poetry, papers and short pieces under the Truth Blog tab.
It wasn’t until age 32, that I sensed a turn in my path was coming, and I soon underwent a deep spiritual awakening which marked the most challenging phase of my life thus far. Determined to heal a drug resistant chronic cough I have been plagued with since childhood, I ventured into the realm of past life regression hypnotherapy. This profound first experience with hypnotherapy unlocked the depths of my soul- both the dark and brilliant- and I began to understand my Truth and purpose here on Earth. Over the next three years, the healing I would be embarking on would not be merely physical anymore, but heavily mental, emotional and spiritual. As I opened up to receiving God’s guidance and wisdom, I began to channel profound spiritual knowledge. Through this spiritual transformation and shedding of my superficial human layers, I began to understand that I was not merely human, but rather a Divine part of God.
As time went on my thirst for truth grew bigger, and I felt a great weight and an almost unbearable task before me: to bring God’s Truth, Light and healing to a broken human family. I understood finally, that I had come here once again to decrease the suffering on planet Earth with God’s helping hand; that by bringing Light and Truth to the human condition of pain, fear and insecurity, all darkness could be healed. Over the last four years I have been writing what comprises many Spiritual Works, including a comprehensive Healing Program for Ascension, which you can read more about under the Ascension-New Earth Healing Program Tab.
Thank you for visiting my website and embarking deeper into the mind of God. I hope for my words, truth and music to bring enlightenment to all, but most importantly, to aid in the collective ascension of mankind to the next level of our spiritual evolution. May God bless you in all things, and may Truth ever seek you.
Love, Shira Notes