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The New Earth Healing Program

I'm am currently in the process of writing and editing this 3 Part Spiritual Work which includes a Workbook. The title of my book is: "The New Earth Healing Program: Aligning with God's Divine Love, Mastery for the Age of Aquarius."

The whole foundation of the New Earth Healing Program is understanding and mastering God's Divine Love. You will meet your lower self, akin to Jung's Shadow and Freud's Id, and decide which lower self qualities to heal. I have created the 11 Tenet's of Divine Love, which I also call the Higher Self Qualities. My workbook allows one to align negative and unloving thoughts toward self and others with Divine Love using these Tenets.


Aligning with one's Higher Self is achieved throughout the healing program and requires continual self-awareness, honesty and the willingness to allow God's Divine Love to transform one's lower self.


The other components of the program are as follows:


*Model for Healthy Emoting: Teaches one to get in touch with one's primary emotions, express these emotions in a healthy way and release unhealthy quantities of heavy, dense emotions. This model involves calling on God's divine assistance and anchoring into God.


*Mastery of the Field of the Local Mind: This part of the healing program involves understanding beginning telepathy and knowing when one's local mind is under attack from an outside entity or "other-being thought."



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How you can help:

Please send prayers for the successful completion of this work. Developing this Healing Program is a huge and daunting undertaking. I would greatly appreciate any donations to my work. Thank You! 


Copyright 2024 Shira Notes

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